Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friendly Fires @ the Annex. NYC.

So after getting my mind blown and feeling so incredibly high at the Friendly Fires show at Virgin Megastore, I caught the F train to the Annex, a fairly small venue on Orchard St., so that I could get another fix.

This was a sold out show and I'm pretty sure they were over capacity on this night. My friends and I lucked out by sitting on a bench before it started and then listened to the opening band, Lemonade, from there [I don't feel the need to discuss this band, as I'd have no idea what to say. If you're into electronic songs that sound like they're being sung in a crazy foreign language, look them up]. Once Friendly Fires took the stage, we simply stood on the bench and were conveniently lifted above the crowd and had room to dance if we wanted to... and you can bet your ass we did.

I think they covered just about every song on their self-titled album, each one sounding completely unique and possessing the ability to reach under your skin and seep into your bloodstream, urging you into this trance that makes you want to move until sweat drips down your cheeks and your clothes stick to your body. By the end of their set, the entire crowd looked as if hundreds of buckets of water had been dumped upon us. The band were drenched as well, as they should have been after dancing around [yes, Ed MacFarlane even danced off the stage and into the crowd at one point], and playing about ten different instruments in all.

If you ever get the chance to see this band live, jump on the opportunity. If you have other plans, cancel them. If you don't have the money, borrow some. Even if you aren't familiar with their music, just go and take in the magic that is created at a Friendly Fires show.

Here is a video clip I took of On Board:

Go here. Now. It will change your life in the best of ways.

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