Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Unsigned Band of the Month: Marry a Thief

Since being back from Europe, I've been through a dry spell. No shows for me! I'm on a strict school and homework diet. This blog has become a major part of me in some odd way and I've been jonesing to write, so my roommate suggested blogging about something other than a concert, maybe simply a post about a beloved unsigned band, in order to help get their name out there. Well, here you go, roomie and anyone else who gets thrills out of discovering new musical territory.

The Band: Marry a Thief.

It's Members: Erich Skelton, Brandon Kean, Patrick Davis and Colin Brown.

I was a teenager when I first saw Erich do a solo gig at a coffee shop near Orlando, Florida. He came across as timid, fidgeting and seeming afraid to look us in the eye. Despite his nerves, Skelton got my attention in an instant with his raspy yet somehow still innocent voice and catchy, mellow songs, a perfect soundtrack for sipping peppermint tea on an oversized couch, one rainy February night. I got the chance to talk with Skelton after the show and he was one of the most kind and welcoming guys I'd ever met.

Fast forward three years later. Erich Skelton went from being a solo artist who occasionally played with a live band to the lead singer of a full-time band, calling themselves Marry a Thief. If you're a fan of The Format or Damien Rice, you'll most likely fall in love with this band. Their new album, "I'm Dying to Outlive You" was released on March 4, '08 and can be purchased through their MySpace page. It features playful, yet insanely moving songs, with lyrics that are relatable and guaranteed to make a lasting impression within you. Erich Skelton also made two albums as a solo artist called "Some Other City" and "One More Smile, Fake as the Night is Blue". I'd stongly recommend checking those out as well.

I remember Skelton attempting a cover of Coldplay's "Yellow" that first night we ever met. He needed the help of the audience to remember the words. I guarantee if he took that on now, especially backed up by his kick ass band, they'd blow Coldplay out of the water.

Check out Marry a Thief at
My favorite tune: "Awful Things".

Do it. You know you want to. It'll change your life for the better.

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